Full Spectrum Services

Fertility Support

Whether you are planning ahead for your future family or struggling to conceive, I am here to guide you to educational resources and provide a compassionate ear. I can connect you with therapists, fertility specialists, and other health and wellness professionals to prepare your body and mind for conception.

Prenatal Meetings

Through prenatal meetings and check-ins we will get know each other and prepare you for childbirth. As your doula I am an educator and councilor, assisting you in gathering information and processing any emotional barriers you encounter. My role is for you to have an informed and positive birth experience.

Referrals & Educational Resources

Through each step in your journey I am a conduit for you to find the care and information you need. Part of having the birth experience you desire is learning about the options available to you and knowing who can best support your interests. Whether you are seeking a home or hospital birth, I help provide books, videos, podcasts, and other educational materials for your use. As well as, refer you to care providers who are in line with your needs and interests.

Postpartum Preparation

Just as you prepare for childbirth, you can also prepare for postpartum. We can make time to help you nest by preparing meals to freeze, going over common items that can make caring for your newborn easier, and explore your perceptions and expectations of becoming a parent.

Birth Plan

As you learn about the options available to you in childbirth I can help you tailor your preferences into a birth plan. The plan you create will guide your birth team through the experience you wish to have so you can stay present and connected to your body through labor

Labor Support

As a part of your birth team, my role is to help maintain the birth atmosphere of your wishes. During labor I will be an advocate for you and help remind you and your team of your birth preferences. I am also there to help you work through your emotional and physical experience. If need be I can step in to assist with comforting touch and other relief and positioning techniques.

Emotional & Physical Support

You are on a journey through pregnancy to a new life. As your doula I am here to follow you through your experiences and offer support in whatever way you need along the way. Some of the ways I can support you emotionally and physically are:

  • Teaching comfort measures and positioning that can relieve discomfort in pregnancy and labor.

  • Talking through any fears, concerns, or apprehensions you may come across as you prepare for childbirth and parenting.

Postpartum Care

As you settle into your new life with your baby, I can continue to serve you. Helping to reinforce your postpartum plan and recruit community members to contribute in little ways to ease your life at this time. I can provide a break for you by caring for your infant while you take care of your own needs. In this phase of your journey, I am at your service to, as always, witness, listen, and aid in your transformation as you need.

Postpartum Meal Prep Service

Taking care of yourself and a newborn is a full time job. I offer prepared meal packages to help take some of daily tasks off your plate. Pricing for meals are listed on the pricing page of my website.